Dosimetry in a FLASH: the future of radiotherapy?!
Verdi Vanreusel
PhD candidate, AReRO, University of Antwerp
Flash radiotherapy is a technique that might revolutionise the way cancer is treated. It uses ultra-high dose rates to achieve a strong reduction in the adverse effects associated with radiotherapy. However, these dose rates lead to saturation of the dosimeters used for the quality assurance of conventional radiotherapy treatments. In this talk alternative approaches are presented that can guide the clinical implementation of this promising treatment strategy.
Climate Change: It’s Real, It’s Serious, It’s Us and there’s (significant) Hope. But how do we know this for sure?
Tony Mitchell & Jim Hand
Citizens Climate Education and GoElectricColorado
That the Climate of our planet Earth has always been changing is a truism, although it has been relatively stable globally for the past 8,000 years or so. But the latest rapid rate of Climate Change is being caused by the unintended consequences of the industrial revolution, with the rapid rise in demand for energy provided by fossil fuels. The Greenhouse Gases emitted are warming the planet and causing harm in many ways including sea level rise, increased frequency of severe weather events and a rapid rise in life form extinctions. The scientific evidence is unequivocal, we are the cause. The good news is, since we are the cause we have the ability to fix it. This interactive session will take the audience through the evidence and then explore the extraordinary progress that is being made in enabling an energy transition to a carbon free, sustainable future.