History of Computer Graphics
Chris Wilcox
This talk is about the birth of Computer Graphics at the University of Utah, where the pioneering work was done. The list of achievements there was very extensive, including fundamental work in geometric modelling, scene rendering, lighting and shading, texture mapping, and so on. My talk explores the progression all the way from text-based terminals to modern graphics workstations, feature films, and video games.
“Careful with that plutonium, Eugene” – FAFO Goes Nuclear
Eric Lingerfelt
Large scale nuclear accidents are common household names: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima are so synonymous with radiation release events that they are interchangeable in daily language. But not all nuclear accidents are related to the complete failure of a production reactor’s engineering and test regime. Some are caused by individuals whose recklessness, arrogance, or simple curiosity led to illness or death for themselves and others. We will present three cases where individuals FAFO that nuclear physics cares for no one.