Hypertrophy Hacks: The Science of Bigger, Stronger Muscles

Luke Peterson

Whether it is for looks, functionality, or longevity, building muscle is important. Discover the fascinating science behind the molecular/cellular pathways our bodies use to build muscle. Learn about evidence-based practices for optimizing muscle growth through training, nutrition, and recovery. Finally, understand the impact muscle mass has on your overall longevity

Poetry and Empathy: How to Better Fit in Someone Else’s Shoes

Mitchell Perque

When I was little, I had a very hard time understanding the motivations and machinations of other people. Each individual I met was a new complex puzzle to take apart and pattern. As I grew up, however, I realized that this was a futile strategy. It was better not to attempt to rationalize others through my own mind but to find ways to step into their own world instead. What better way to learn these other worlds then through an equally complex and ever changing physical medium; Poetry. In this talk, I’ll discuss how I utilized the concept of poetry to help bridge the gap between myself and others; both socially and introspectively