Christ on a Cracker! Pareidolia & Apophenia

Laura Lanford

veteran NN speaker, new Coloradan!

The human brain has a remarkable ability to find patterns
in data. Assessing the validity of those patterns is a more nuanced skill, and I’m here to help! While Nerd Niters are generally a skeptical bunch and not prone to over-attribution bias, understanding how your brain finds patterns is valuable for understanding our survival as a species and – maybe – for making everday life a little more sensical.

Vegan Mythbusting

Jessica Runchey

Vegan cook and author of Sauté Queen

What about protein? B12? Carnivore bros? Join Jessica Runchey as she busts common myths about veganism, defines what it truly is, and shares the real challenges. With six years of cooking experience and three years

as a vegan, Jessica runs the popular blog Saute Queen, featuring 54 delicious vegan recipes. Her passion for plant-based nutrition makes her the perfect guide for this enlightening talk. Don’t miss it!